Canada, Niagara Falls
День 1: понедельник, четверг или суббота НЬЮ-ЙОРК - ОЗЕРА ПАЛЬЦЕВ - НИАГАРА ФОЛЛС
Этим утром мы отправляемся из Большого Яблока в северном направлении, где мы проедем красивый залив Делавэр до государственного парка Уоткинс-Глен в самом сердце региона Фингер-Лейкс. Прогуляйтесь по каньону Уоткинс-Глен, чтобы посетить красивые водопады, а затем продолжите путь к Ниагарскому водопаду, минуя озеро Сенека, прибывающее ближе к вечеру. Совершите поездку по американской стороне водопада, включая Американский водопад, Козий остров и сестринский остров. Ночью совершите поездку по Ниагарскому водопаду, где мы сможем оценить красочное освещение воды.
День 2: вторник, пятница или воскресенье.
Выйдя из отеля, услышите грохот воды Ниагарского водопада. ВНИМАНИЕ Посмотрите на водопад с водопада Подкова и ощутите всю мощь на борту «Девы тумана» (май-октябрь). Зимой до апреля, когда «Дева тумана» закрыта, мы совершаем поездку по живописным туннелям. В полдень мы отправляемся на юг в штат Нью-Йорк. По пути в Нью-Йорк насладитесь шопинг-экскурсией в одном из крупных торговых центров по пути, найдите выгодную сделку в фирменных магазинах за меньшие деньги. Вечернее возвращение в Нью-Йорк.
1 ночь в отеле, включая налоги и континентальный завтрак • Автобус с кондиционером и профессиональный гид • Экскурсия по Ниагарскому водопаду • Посещение «Девы тумана» (летом) или живописных туннелей (зимой)

- Watkins Glen, Upstate N.Y
- Finger Lakes
- Bridal Veil Falls
- Rainbow Bridge
- Horseshoe Falls
- Goat Island
- Maid of the Mist (U.S side / Hornblower on the Canadian Side)
- Night tour Niagara Falls (Canadian Side)
- Waterloo Premium Outlet: 655 NY-318, Waterloo, NY 13165

Watkins Glen is a village in and the county seat of Schuyler County, New York, United States. Watkins Glen lies within the towns of Dix and Reading. To the southwest of the village is the Watkins Glen International race track, which hosts NASCAR Cup Series and Weather Tech Sprots Car Championship races and formerly hosted the Formula One United States Grand Prix and IndyCar races.

The Finger Lakes are a group of eleven long, narrow, roughly north–south lakes in an area called the Finger Lakes region in New York, in the United States. This region straddles the northern and transitional edge, known as the Finger Lakes Uplands and Gorges ecoregion, of the Northern Allegheny Plateau and the Ontario Lowlands ecoregion of the Great Lakes Lowlands.

The Bridal Veil Falls is the smallest of the three waterfalls that make up Niagara Falls. It is located on the American side (in New York State); Luna Island separates it from the American Falls and Goat Island separates it from the Horseshoe Falls. The Bridal Veil Falls faces to the northwest and has a crest 17 Meters wide.

The Rainbow Bridge was built near the site of the earlier Honeymoon Bridge, which collapsed on January 27, 1938, due to an ice jam in the river. A joint Canadian and American commission had been considering a new bridge to replace it, and the collapse added urgency to the project.

Horseshoe Falls, also known as Canadian Falls, is the largest of the three waterfalls that collectively form Niagara Falls on the Niagara River along the Canada – U.S States border. Approximately 90% of the Niagara River, after diversions for hydropower generation, flows over Horseshoe Falls. The remaining 10% flows over American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls.

Goat Island is a small island in the Niagara River, in the middle of Niagara Falls between the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The island is at the southwest corner of the City of Niagara Falls , New York, in the U.S and is part of Niagara Falls State Park.
Goat Island has no residents, but is a destination for tourists visiting the falls on the U.S. side. It has several viewing points. Goat Island is connected to the U.S. mainland by two bridges that carry foot, car, and trackless train traffic, and to the smaller Luna Island (adjacent to the American Falls) by a pedestrian bridge.

The Maid of the Mist is a sightseeing boat tour of Niagara Falls, starting and ending on the American side, crossing briefly into Canada during a portion of the trip. The fleet currently consists of two vessels, both of which launched in 2020. The James V. Glynn was named in honor of the Maid of the Mist Chairman and CEO, who in 2020 celebrated 70 years with the company, and the Nikola Tesla, for the man who invented the alternating current (AC) motor, the standard form of electricity that is used in American homes to this day.

Watch Niagara Falls come to life at night in a kaleidoscope of light. See the powerful Falls up close and enjoy fabulous bird's-eye views from the Skylon Tower after dark.

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