Start / End Point
Pulitzer Fountain, 5th Avenue and 59th Street / Strawberry fields, 72nd St & 8th Avenue


Der New Yorker Central Park erstreckt sich über beeindruckende 800 Hektar. Wenn Sie also nicht die ganze Zeit auf der Welt haben, brauchen Sie möglicherweise Hilfe bei der Suche nach den besten Teilen! Einheimische und Besucher lieben es, den Central Park zu besuchen, da er Ruhe in der sonst chaotischen Stadt bietet. Sie werden es lieben, an den Ramble-Waldwegen entlang, entlang des Sees mit dem legendären Bootshaus und durch berühmte Flecken wie die Schafwiese zu schlendern

An Kultur mangelt es im Central Park nicht! Sie werden wahrscheinlich einige talentierte Straßenmusiker finden, wenn Sie durch die Bethesda Terrace Arcade gehen, aber im Park befindet sich auch das berühmte Delacourt Theatre (Heimat von Shakespeare im Park), und wir beenden unsere Tour am berührenden John Lennon-Denkmal Strawberry Fields. Obwohl es ein stiller Bereich sein soll, werden Sie sicher einige talentierte Beatles-Fans finden, die ein oder zwei Songs spielen.

Belvedere Castle
Central Park South Area

Belvedere Castle

Strawberry Fields

Alice in Wonderland

Artists' Gate

Gapstow Bridge

Grand Army Plaza
Grand Army Plaza

Grand Army Plaza is a square at the southeast corner of Central Park in Manhattan, New York City, at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Central Park South (59th Street), covering two blocks on the west side of Fifth Avenue between 58th and 60th Streets. It contains an equestrian statue of William Tecumseh Sherman on its northern half and the Pulitzer Fountain on its southern half.

Grand Army Plaza was designed by Beaux-Arts architecture firm Carrere and Hastings and completed in 1916. It was renovated in 1933–1935, 1985, and 2013. The plaza has been a New York City  scenic landmark since 1974.

The Plaza Hotel
The Plaza Hotel

The Plaza Hotel (also known as The Plaza) is a luxury hotel and condominium apartment building in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.

The 21-story, French Renaissance - inspired chateau style building was designed by Henry Janeway Hardenbergh. The facade is made of marble at the base, with white brick covering the upper stories, and is topped by a mansard roof.

The Pond
The Pond

The Pond - Located at the southeast corner of the park, near the entrance at Grand Army Plaza, the Pond provides immediate relief from the hustle and bustle of the city just outside. This is due to a veritable wall of trees and shrubs, as well as the inspired landscaping of Olmsted and Vaux, which placed the pond below street level. This entrance was originally designed to handle most of the traffic into the park, and continues to do so until this day.

The Dairy
The Dairy

The Dairy was included in the Greensward Plan, the original plan for the construction of Central Park. Construction began in September 1869. In a progress report written by Olmsted Vaux & Co. to the Department of Public Parks, dated June 6, 1870, the architects stated, "The Dairy [is] a stone structure, the cellar of which connects directly with one of the traffic roads, it being the intention that the building should receive its main supplies from the exterior of the park.


The Mall
The Mall and Literary Walk

A walkway leading to the beautiful Bethesda Terrace, the Central Park Mall runs through the middle of the Park from 66th to 72nd street. It remains the sole formal feature of Olmsted and Vaux's naturalistic creation. To the north lies the Terrace Bridge, while the Olmsted Flower Bed is located directly south of the Mall.


Bethesda Terrace and Fountain

Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are two architectural features overlooking the southern shore of the lake in New York City's Central Park. The fountain with its Angel of the Waters statue, is located in the center of the terrace.

Strawbery Fields
Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields is a memorial to the British rock musician and peace activist John Lennon (1940–1980). The memorial consists of a five-acre landscape near the West 72nd Street entrance and includes the Imagine mosaic, where many come to pay tribute to Lennon. The memorial’s name is a reference to the 1967 song Lennon wrote and performed with the Beatles, “Strawberry Fields Forever.”


The Dakota Building
The Dakota Building

The Dakota, also known as the Dakota Apartments, is a cooperative apartment building on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, United States. The Dakota was constructed between 1880 and 1884, and was designed by Henry Janeway Hardenbergh.

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